“Don’t run to blame the employee. Turn to your communications plan”

Typically sighting human error is the thing most public relations specialists will state not to do in instances of a huge company embarrassment.  (Click here for the official statement from Costa Cruises) Mainly it provides a look of incompetent training and lack of controls to prevent tragedies from occurring. 

In this case, blaming the captain could not be avoided considering the initial reports of no official plan to get passengers off safely, the recording of the captain not knowing what was going on with the ship or the passengers while he was off of the ship, the public is not satisfied with the attempts to placate the passengers.  

Don’t run to blame the employee. Turn to your communications plan

However, the response and tools of response could have been managed more effectively if a crisis communication plan is in place.  The voice of the Cost Concordia Cruise line is being lost in a the ongoing media frenzy surrounding a possible class action suit and the offer of a discount on future cruises.

What is your business’ plan in the event negative stories are being aired to the public causing a downward snowball effect?

Contact Above Promotions on how we can help you plan accordingly.

What is a viable remedy for Costa Concordia Cruise Survivors?

Free counseling and a 30% discount on a future cruise???  Is this enough or even worth the offer? 

Many stories have surfaced from this tragic incident, yet the official face (spokesperson) of the company has failed to be a memory in those who watch the story unfold.   This lack of face time to the public has made it harder for the public to accept an offer of counseling and a discount on the next trip on their cruise line.

Their lack in speed to the public is only fueling the angst of the offer of a 30% discount and counseling.  This is an opportunity for them to go back and immediately improve their crisis communication plan.

What do you feel is a viable offer?  What do you expect to hear from the company to help encourage you to provide faith in their brand again? 

Does your company have a plan?  Do you need us to help you update it?  Let us know.  (http://www.abovepromotions.com)


Survivors of Costa Concordia tragedy offered 30% discount on their NEXT cruise

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2090573/Costa-Concordia-survivors-offered-30-discount-cruise-amid-100m-lawsuit-threat.html#ixzz1kP5rmbLh