Business Banning Instagram!

Four Barrel Instagram Ban. Image Courtesy of TechCrunch. Above Promotions Company Tampa, FL 2012
Four Barrel Instagram Ban. Image Courtesy of TechCrunch. Above Promotions Company Tampa, FL 2012
Four Barrel Instagram Ban. Image Courtesy of TechCrunch. Above Promotions Company Tampa, FL 2012

At first glance of the Huffington Post headline, “Four Barrel, San Francisco Coffee Shop, Bans Instagram Photos, ‘Hipster Topics'”, many of you probably thought the same thing,”What business is crazy enough to ban a customer from uploading a picture to Instagram at their business?”

Apparently the Four Barrel coffee shop in San Francisco posted a sign at their door as seen above. Would you be bold enough to do so? After you read the article, you’ll see it was a publicity stunt. Well played Four Barrel. Well played. But really? Would you be as bold to tell people you didn’t want them to share images or spread your business on social media? What you will read next, may shock you, but many of you are doing that now.

No you don’t have a sign posted on your building, but you’re not taking advantage of the foot traffic in your establishment. Why not encourage people as they are at your restaurant or in your store to share a photo of something they like online? Here’s a tip. Keep it tight under your marketing hat. If your customers knew we were sharing this, it would be gimmicky to them.

Here’s the tip. Let’s say you have a restaurant. You have people who are relaxed and enjoying themselves and are probably even playing on their cell phones in between laughs. Having a waiter to say, “Doesn’t this appetizer look great? I bet you know someone who would love to be here eating this with you right now.” or “Doesn’t that just look great. That’s a Twitter picture for sure.” Or if you have a boutique. Have a customer unsure of which outfit to purchase? Tell them they should post it on Facebook and see if their friends can help them to decide. Then offer them a bottle of water and good conversation while they await their response. In the least, even if they do not respond right away or can’t make a decision, their friends will have learned about your shop.

Now both tips can really only work if you have quality items that are in demand. If your food looks like it was in a garbage can or the dress is of poor quality or ill-fitted, this will just backfire. So you won’t be able to do it with every customer. However, you get the drift. Find ways you and your employees can encourage the use of social media to customers while at your establishment.

Doing this can be tricky and if done wrong could be annoying or obnoxious. So seek an expert to help integrate these practices into your sales process and customer experience.

Do you do any of these suggestive sharing statements now? Or do you have a more obvious social media marketing tactic (i.e. discount for checking in, etc)? If so, share with us.



Above Promotions is a full service publicity, marketing and promotions company, founded with the purpose to serve an array of clients that are looking to expand their presence in the marketplace. From a local to international market, Above Promotions Company can provide the exposure that goes above your expectations. Visit today.

Will the $50,000 Loan Debt of a Deceased Student Cost KeyBank More?

Christopher Bryski.  Photo Courtesy of the Bryski Family.
Christopher Bryski. Photo Courtesy of the Bryski Family.

Back in 2012, the Wall Street Journal did a story on the loan debt left to Christopher Bryski’s family after he passed away from a brain tumor.  The Huffington Post followed up this week with an update to the Bryski family.  Apparently KeyBank has continued to bill Christopher’s father since his death in 2006.  According to the online petition, the family has worked to create a law to present to Congress to force companies to forgive student loan debt upon death.  If “Christopher’s Law” goes into effect, then the private loan industry will definitely be making changes in how they disburse loans and repayment schedules.

However, what can strike any crisis communications and marketing experts interest, is how Christopher’s debt (although $50,000 is a substantial figure) is costing KeyBank more in the long run.  Had they forgiven the balance, they wouldn’t have the attention of the public, nor the signatures of those who will now associate KeyBank in a negative light.  Key Bank not only has a loan department, but a slew of other services it offers to the public.

Can we put a price on this negative publicity?  Probably if there was a data collection of closed accounts or loss of potential clients.  It cannot yet be said what the financial impact will be on KeyBank, surely their internal personnel, lawyers and public communications team has already spent that amount on labor to force the family to continue making payments.  Crisis Communications and upholding a brand image always comes at a cost.

$50,000 suddenly seems like a small amount to forgive and a larger financial cost in the long run.

What do you think?  Will this hurt their image?


Above Promotions is a full service publicity, marketing and promotions company, founded with the purpose to serve an array of clients that are looking to expand their presence in the marketplace.  From a local to international market, Above Promotions Company can provide the exposure that goes above your expectations.  Visit today.

Get In the Social Media and Mobile Game

Pinterest logo.  Image Courtesy of Social Fresh/Pinterest.

As kids most of us had a physical education class in school.  There was always at least one sport covered you really weren’t a fan of and you really didn’t want to play in.  In speaking with many small and medium business owners, this seems to be the same attitude towards social media and mobile marketing efforts.  It’s as though people are waiting to be told to jump in and that it’s their turn now.  Well, today’s post is here to do just that!  It’s time for you to get in the social media and mobile marketing game!

The 2012 Digital Marketer Report was released by Experian Marketing Services recently.  Within it contains an abundance of information concerning consumers and various marketing channels.  Of interest to us is the confirmation of two things, Pinterest is growing in popularity and mobile usage is “on the rise”.  These are not extreme revelations, but do go a long way in helping to drive home the point of ensuring your 2012 marketing plan includes these ways of reaching new customers.

Pinterest seemed like a fad at first with many businesses ignoring it or waiting to see its numbers for users before deciding to jump in the game.  Now over the past couple of months large brands such as Huffington Post, Oprah, Etsy, Martha Stewart and others are playing and growing their fan base. (Social Fresh)

As you know, the internet is the best way to be available for information to potential customers 24 hours a day.  Leads are often generated during the non-business hours.  In all cases of new clients contacting you, they have typically began their search based off of what they have seen online.  So are you fully in the game yet?

Yes, there are various social media websites out now and it seems as though new ones start monthly.  But the numbers from this Experian report do not lie. 

1. Facebook: 7 billion

2. Twitter: 182 million

3. Pinterest: 104 million

4. LinkedIn: 86 million

5. Tagged: 72 million

6. Google+: 61 million

(Experian Marketing Services/

It is difficult to personally maintain an aggressive social media campaign in-house and keep a strong focus on the entire marketing and sales for your business.  It’s really the best reason to contract such activities out.  Long gone are the days of listing in the Yellow Pages Phone Book and running advertisements in your local newspaper.  These numbers prove you must change your strategy in order to gain exposure for your business and increase new customers.  So why not go ahead and get in the game as a coach and hire your players? 

Another recent study indicated that businesses with consumer products tend to receive more calls directly from their mobile site these days.  Resisting using mobile messaging and having a smartphone friendly site is crippling your chance at growing your bottom line.

It’s time to get in the game.  Release the unwillingness to change, invest and engage in social media and mobile marketing.  The game has already begun.  Don’t wait until the fourth quarter to get off the bench!


Above Promotions is a full service publicity, marketing and promotions company, founded with the purpose to serve an array of clients that are looking to expand their presence in the marketplace.  From a local to international market, Above Promotions Company can provide the exposure that goes above your expectations.  Visit today.